The School Day
For all children in Reception through to Year 6, the length of the school day is a statutory 6.5 hours per day, commencing at 8:45am to 3:15pm, totaling 32.5 hours per week.
For children attending our Nursery, the daily sessions are as follows:
- Morning - 8.45am to 11.45am
- Afternoon - 12.15pm to 3.15pm
Arriving at School:
Children should arrive no earlier than 8.40am, at which time the doors will be opened to allow children into school.
Children should enter school via the following entrances:
- Key Stage 2 Years 5 & 6 - Classroom Doors
- Key Stage 2 Years 3 & 4 - Classroom Doors
- Key Stage 1 - Classroom Doors
- Reception - children collected via the entrance through the nursery garden
- Nursery - children collected via the entrance through the nursery garden
At the end of the day:
Children will leave school via the following exits:
- Key Stage 2 Years 5 & 6 - Classroom Doors
- Key Stage 2 Years 3 & 4 - Classroom Doors
- Key Stage 1 - Classroom Doors
- Reception - children collected via the entrance through the nursery garden
- Nursery - children collected via the entrance through the nursery garden