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Online Safety

Online safety is vitally important. The internet is not going to go away so teaching children about how to use it safely and properly is a key responsibility for the staff at Beaufort. It is important that we work together to ensure that children remain safe.

In this section, you will find information and resources relating to keeping children safe online. Additionally, there are links to sites where children can extend their knowledge about online safety in a child-friendly way.

If you come across anything on the internet that makes you feel unhappy, upset or uncomfortable you need to tell a trusted adult at home or at school.

At Christmas time, many children receive electronic gadgets.  Below is a guide designed to help parents and carers take a realistic approach to help keep children safe when using the internet, social media and playing online games.

Keeping Children safe online during Christmas

Safety Net: Parents/Carers Guide to help keep children safe online.

safety net parent guides.pdf

UK Safer Internet Centre

Childnet International

Think U Know

CEOP Internet Safety

Net Smartz Kids

Grid Club