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Our ethos of BRAVE underpins all that we do at Beaufort with each thread interwoven throughout our curriculum.

B Brilliant Beaufort Minds 

R Respectful Relationships  

A Amazing Attitudes

V Varying Vocabulary 

E Everybody's Equal


Our curriculum is built on the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum (see below) and is further enhanced through a variety of skill and knowledge based schemes (White Rose Maths, Kapow, Language Angels etc). It is not only broad and balanced but also ambitious, engaging and offers our children rich and relevant learning experiences. The curriculum aspires to develop well rounded future citizens who posses the reading, writing, oracy and maths skills to become independent, resilient, successful learners. It promotes a safe environment for our children to explore these new skills, develop their ever-growing knowledge (including vocabulary) and showcase their creativity. Our curriculum ensures opportunities for children to revisit core learning so that they build long-term memory of our ambitious body of knowledge.

We want our children to:


 Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our foundation stage curriculum is based on three primary areas: Communication and Language; Physical Development and Personal, Social, Emotional Development. The four specific areas of learning are: Literacy, maths, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. The three characteristics of effective learning are: Playing and Exploring; Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically. The assessment of these will be based on ongoing observations. 

Year 1 and 2 (KS1)

We offer the core national curriculum subjects: English, Mathematics and Science. We also offer the following foundation subjects at KS1: Art and Design; Computing; Design and Technology; Geography; History; Music and Physical Education. In addition to this, we also offer statutory subject of Religious Education at KS1. Our curriculum is taught using a 'Knowledge and Skills' approach.

Year 3,4,5 & 6 (KS2)

Children working within KS2 will be offered the core national curriculum: English, Mathematics and Science. We also offer the following foundation subjects at KS2: Art and Design; Computing; Design and Technology; French; Geography; History; Music and Physical Education. In addition to this, we also offer the the statutory subject of Religious Education at Key Stage 2. Our curriculum is taught using a 'Knowledge and Skills' approach.

National Curriculum

The current National Curriculum for Primary Schools was introduced in September 2014.

The National Curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge and skills around which teachers plan lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.

Schools are free to choose how they organise their school day, as long as the content of the National Curriculum Programmes of Study is taught to all pupils.

The programmes of study for each subject can be found at: www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum


Our curriculum is based around our half termly history/geography unit, allowing children to make meaningful connections across subject areas. Topics have been chosen with the children’s needs in mind, in order to broaden their experiences through trips and visitors who are carefully planned to support and inspire the children's learning.

Different starting points

Our lessons are carefully planned taking children’s starting points and prior attainment into account. We scaffolded our learning to support all children to achieve their best. All lessons follow a four- part lesson structure and enable our children to revisit tasks in order to retrieve prior knowledge.

Knowledge Organisers

Each half term, knowledge organiser linked to Science, History/Geography and ART/ DT are shared with children and placed in their books to be consistently refereed to throughout the unit of work. These knowledge organisers include the important knowledge and vocabulary we want every child to know by the end of the unit. There purpose is to:


Curriculum Overviews

Here are our Long Term Overviews from Nursery - Year 6

Long Term Plan for FS1Long Term Plan for FS2Year 1 and 2 LTPLTP Year 3 and 4LTP Year 5 and 6

Curriculum Subjects

English Mathematics Science Art and D&T  Music Physical Education PSHE/RSE Religious Education Computing  French Geography History Phonics



At Beaufort, we strive to ensure that our children’s attainment in core and foundation subjects is in line with or exceeding age-related expectations. 

By the time children leave Beaufort they will: