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At Beaufort Primary, we want all of our pupils to become independent, responsible and competent users of a range of computing technology. We intend for our children to have the confidence and digital literacy to prepare and equip them for the world beyond Beaufort, and the challenge of a rapidly developing technological world. 

We use Kapow to ensure our Computing curriculum...

  • 1-is designed to focus on the main computing concepts that pupils need to learn and remember. It is also true to the national curriculum for both Key Stages 1 and 2.
  • 2-ensures full coverage of the National Curriculum is met.
  • 3-has a high focus on digital literacy, mathematics and PSHE including online safety.
  • 4-is designed to enhance long term memory through revisited concepts.
  • 5- is progressive in knowledge and skills from EYFS - Year 6 (see progression document below)
  • 6- is underpinned by our school ‘BRAVE’ ethos (see progressive vocabulary document below) and develops resilience, problem solving and critical thinking.


Key principles underpinning our curriculum:

  • Children knowing and remembering key knowledge.
  • Making explicit links and connections between subjects and real-life experiences.
  • Having a resource rich environment.
  • Children having an enthusiastic attitude towards computing lessons and conserve knowledge that enables them to become active participants in the digital world.

During our Computing lessons, we focus on the skills and knowledge needed to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. We discover how technology has evolved and the importance it has had within history. Through a variety of programmes, we encourage the application of the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.

Key computing vocabulary is identified on every year group’s unit knowledge organisers (see all year group’s KO below) and is referred to regularly by teachers and within lessons.

Computing Progression EYFS - Year 6 Computing Vocabulary EYFS - YR6

Year 1/2 Computing Year 3/4 Computing Year 5/6 Computing  

Intent, Implementation, Impact Statements

For further information, please see below our Computing Subject Leader 3 I's Statement:

Computing Intent Implementation Impact